Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Teuto Map mod download.
Objekte/Plätze: Hof bei der Kuhweide, Haendler, Lidl, BGA mit Ballenschredder, Brauerei, Mistfoerderband, Mist/Gülle Mod, strawbale_haybale-Mod, Gartencenter, Landhandel, Steinbruch für Sand und Kies, Tankstelle, Milchverkauf, Guelle/Mist-verkauf, Kuhstall mit möglichkeit zum Füttern, Dorf, Industriegelände, Schlachthof mit Verkauf..... Ankauf/Verkauf Brauerei: Ankauf-Getreide...Verkauft Bier Schlachthof: Ankauf-Rind ... Verkauft: Wurst und Fleisch Gartencenter: Ankauf-Mist und Grass Industriegelände: Ankauf - Mist, Gülle, Rüben und Kartoffeln Landhandel: Ankauf aller Fruchtsorten sowie Sand und Kies... Verkauft Dünger und Saatgut. Molkerei: Ankauf-Milch ... Verkauft Milchprodukte. Lidl: Ankauf - Bier, Wurst, Fleisch und Milchprodukte. Saatgut kann beim Händler, und auf dem Hof geladen werden. Dünger gibts am Hof und Landhandel. BGA mit Ballenschredder. Am Hof könnt ihr Kleinballen und Standartballen entladen. Für DLC-Nutzer gibt es am Hof ein Wasserbecken das sich bei Regen füllt. Am See ist wegen dem Steinbruch kein Wasserladen mehr möglich. Zusätzlich benötigt ihr noch: Siloschaufel V1.2 MapDoorTrigger
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Hill Top Farm mod download.
This is a british countryside map with giants original road layout. It has bushed fields and tight off roads.
There is a BGA plant were you can sell unwanted Grass and Chaff and also get rid of any perished bales.
There is sheds that you can fill up with you grains, the current fruit types are all original apart from Fertilizer that can be stored in the shed for people with Fertilizer wagons that can be filled from a bucket. You can take out the fruit types by driving in to various places in the sheds you will need the modteams Bucket in order to do this. attachments
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Wheatcroft Farm mod download.
- Information -
You will need the mods in the zip file for this map to work! Standard Fruits Feeder Mod compatible - Grass only! Has Headys BGA installed. Place for manure storage, solar panels & green houses. Some Fields planted - some need seeding!
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Hawthorn Farm mod download.
Welcome to Hawthorn Farm set in England. This map includes plenty of nice features with really lovely views and samll to medium fields. The land is mostly hilly with some flat fields, and some really nice viwe's. Watch the gateways they are tight to get in to. The lanes to get to are very tight to so which out. Mona tractor's is located next to the village, it is your main dealer for john Deere and many more other makes. This map is quite small but still very nice for multiplayer and singleplayer games.The fields are, mostly arable but it dose have a couple of grass fields and maize fields too.
Features: Working PDA map. Extra fruits: rye, oat, potato and sugarbeet. 1:1 Scale 7 farms. Almost 80 fields. Perfect for MP. Watermod (You can drive water to the cows.)
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Oakley Farms mod download.
built on the original map..original fruits,you can sale manure,liquid manure, and grass at the has been moved,added silos for grass and manure at the farm.also added a graindrier,weighstation,bale of 8 feilds ranging from medium to very large.
You will need manure.mod and liquidmanure-mod installed in your mods folder...not included with this download.
you will also need the mapweighstationmod..not included
I recomend Autopilot machinery for this map to follow the field layouts
there is a README file included..that details the map and sale points along with triggers and other info..PLEASE READ contains important info..
there is No PDA for this map so feal free to make one if you wish too but its pretty much straight forward playing.
map i3d file is 37.1mb
Again Please read the README file before posting any problems..there are 2 that i know of but nothing major..startup vehicles spawn in the new shallow lake but you can drive them out and no PDA..
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Old Family Farm mod download.
This is a small map based on what an American farm might of been like in the old days. There are 2 small farms on this map. You will find all you need is at the farms. The seed and fertilizer are at both farms. Both farms have silos and grain augers with the multi silo trigger. There are 5 sell points on the map, 1 at the dairy were you sell your milk, 2 at the railroad spur line in town, there is also a Saloon in town that makes there own refreshments so he needs corn, barley, and wheat. The main sell point is Bay Hay and Feed they take everything but milk, there you will also find the store to buy new tractors and implements. The bale sell point is behind the hay and feed. All fields are small in size..
I have tried to make it as detailed as I could and keep lag down.. I have tested this map on single player as well as Multiplayer. I hope you enjoy the map. If I left anybody out of the credits, please let me know and I will gladly add you.. Thanks.
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labeled PDA map Crops include, The standard plus, Cotton, Green wheat, Potato, soybeans, sugar beets, and sunflower. Milk mod, you can haul your own milk from the meadow to the dairy. (Requires truck or trailer that can hold milk.) Or let it auto sell at midnight. Fully multiplayer tested... Longer grow rates, rates depends on difficulty settings. I3d file size 40.93mb error free log. includes all mods required to run map.