Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Old 09er Map mod download.
Quote: Ich habe mich mal rangesetzt die 09er Map für LS11 mit BGA und funktionierender Kuhweide zu erstellen bz. zu bearbeiten . Die Map hat auser BGA und Kuhweide verschiedene zusätzliche Früchte zum Anbauen . Kartoffeln, Rüben, Sonnenblumen ,Roggen, Hafer ,Gelbe Erbsen, Erbse ,Sojabohnen und Karotten.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 British Farming 2012 DLC2 Edition mod download.
Welcome to British Farming 2012 DLC2 Edition.
Steep terrain and small narrow roads make it tricky with larger equipment. With 8 fields this map is suitable for both multiplayer and single player.
► DLC2 Silage Pits ► No giants trees! All tree's are eather paintable or low polly ► Moving Cows ► One yard with everything you need. ► Dealership ► No main roads, All roads are small narrow country lanes ► No Traffic, Unless you want to crash all your tractors ► LS-UK Modteam livestock feed mod compatable ► Steep terrain ► Open/Close gates - FMC Trigger needed.
Manure Heap - Inside the cattle shead Slurry pipe - Outside wall of the cattle shead. Seed stack - In the small building next to the silage pits. Spray/Ferti - In the small building next to the silage pits. Grain sell - Inbside the dealership.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Homfeld mod download.
Was hat die Map zu bieten:
2 Höfe BGA Raiffeisen Manure Mod Billinger Landhandel Ballen Verkauf Schöne Landschaft Verkehr 3 Dörfer Zuckerrüben Viel Wald , Bäume und vieles mehr.
Getreidenlagerung an beiden Höfen am Kuhof zwischen den Holzwänden Der Silageberg lässt sich mit Grass und Silage füllen Am Kuh Hof könnt ihr im großen Stall recht Gras , Silage und Silo (gegärtes) abladen Im kleinen Stall bei der Kuhweide könnt ihr Gras und Silage abladen und Mist mit der Schaufel aufladen. Bei dem Landhandel und dem Raiffeisen Markt lässt sich eurer Getreide einlagern und zu verschieden Preisen verkaufen Beim Ballen Verkauf müsst ihr erst oben reingehen und dann das Tor öffnen und dann könnt ihr die Ballen auf der Förderband legen Eure Saat und Fertilizier bekommt ihr an beiden Höfen nur die Gülle bekommt ihm am Kuh Hof Beim Kreisverkehr läuft der Verkehr nicht ganz sauber das weiß ich aber ich habe es so gelassen weil es mich persönlich nie gstört hat Die Map verursacht PhysX Fehler aber die beeinflussen das Spiel in keinster Weise.
Bei denjenigen die einen "bunten" Himmel haben kann ich abhilfe schaffen ihr müsst folgendes machen
So what's new? Well after listening to the feedback from the original release i have been busy reworking my map to correct a few issue's members were reporting to me.
1. i have learnt myself to make a PDA so now with working PDA (Major headache). 2. i have added an extra sell point in the main yard (to the left of the maize pit) were you can sell ALL the seed from the silo's and crops of coarse. 3.i have changed every single item's clip distance on this map to improve the running of it on laptops and weak PC's, it took forever but well worth the time the difference it has made on my old PC is magic.
so there you go hope this extra work will be use full to a lot of you and thank you for the very nice feedback and comments i got from Cibieshire V1.
Crops Maize/Grass/Wheat/Barley.... NO Rape....repeat NO Rape.
This map has been build for farmers who like to test there driving skills and not all about out right speed. it is made up of a number of bumpy narrow back lanes and tight gate ways needing a steady driving style.
most fields surrounding the farm are small to medium in size but you will find a number of large to very large fields on the out skirts designed for a long haul with your pals in MP.
the only place to sell your grains is the brewery close to the center of the map, all other info can be seen in the video attached.
i hope you all have many hours of fun using this map as i did making it.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Estonian Country mod download.
This map features the standard fruits plus potato, sunflower, sugarbeat, soybean, greenwheat, oat, pea, cotton, carrot. Please ensure you have removed any map fruits from your mod folder. Once downloaded Open the zip file and unzip that folder (UnzipMe) to a mod folder. This map has been tested by me and it is error free if there are an error occurred while ur playing its most likely ur computer or wrong unpacking fault. This map have running traffic and milk truck (its driving twice a day). This map have 3 grain and 3 bale sell points. There are two grain store places. One accepts standard fruits and other potato. This map includes BGA. 21.55 lights automatically turns on.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Emsland Map v 1.1 mod download.
So nachdem die erste Version dieser Map doch noch einige Fehler aufwies, habe ich hier einmal eine komplett überarbeitete Version der Map für euch.
Neu dazu gekommen sind in der v.1.1:
- Funktionierende Kuhweide - Es gibt einen 2. Hof - Felder wurden anders angelegt - Es wurden Hügel in der Landschaft eingefügt - Es wurde ein Ballenshredder hinzugefügt - Viele kleine Details
Gefixtes: - Springen der Fahrzeuge an den Straßenkanten gefixt - Es kann nun auch Mist gefahren werden - Kleinere Detail Fehler
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Oxfordshire & Royal Berkshire DLC 2 mod download.
YOU MUST HAVE THE GIANTS DLC 2 PACK FOR THIS MAP TO WORK. This is a British based map and features the standard fruits plus Potato and Sugarbeet. Once downloaded Open the zip file and place the Map , FMCmaptrigger and milk zips into your mod folder. Please ensure you have the Giants DLC 2 and have removed any map fruits from your mod folder. You will need to Place the milk_mod zip into your mod folder (included with map). This map has been tested with standard vehicles and has been tested for errors (clean error log). Crashes and errors are most likley the result of your mods.
This map features very tight country lanes so the traffic and milktruck have been disabled. Larger combines will need a header trailer to get around the map. Sell your crops at the Pub or food factory. Bales can be "sold" in the old shed next to the cattle field. Store your crops in the silo area . To collect your crops , take your trailer round the back of the silo area and you will find the triggers. Please watch the video for a tour.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Limerick Map mod download.
this map is based on an area in county limerick in the south of ireland.this map has no milk truck or running traffic and i also set it to have no animals.the map has 1 pit which accepts maize/grass/wheat as chaff as there the only crops the farmer cuts.there is also 1 minure tank and 1 minure pit and a bale shed if you want to do some bales.the farm has no farm house as the farmer lives away from the farm yard where he stores his crops.