Welcome to Springhill Farm. This is a small estate farm with tight twisting lanes and small awkward fields. You must make the decision between larger machinery for greater productivity or smaller machinery for easier manoeuvrability.
There is one main farmyard on the map, with a small out farm to the south. However, do you have the nerve to 'keep her lit' down the narrow roads without wrapping it round the nearest tree? We suggest you have the recovery service number on speed dial....
The map supports standard fruits plus sugarbeet and potatoes.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Bockowo V3.1 mod download.
Beautiful Poland map, the farm is located in a populated area. Everything you need for the normal functioning of the farm is located in your vicinity. Silos are located on the farm, but unlike other maps, their fruit is raised to the mill, and that it can be sold immediately. Farmer shop and mill are located in the village is a farm on the outskirts of the village. Bale has the destruction of the few places on the map. Standard Fruit + potatoes and sugar beet. Some fruits are HD textures and can come to "chopping" the image on older computers. With happiness my dear farmers.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Open Range Map HD mod download.
Auf dieser Map wurden fast ausschliesslich HD Texturen verwendet. Sie ist ausgelegt für den Einsatz von Großmaschinen. Das Josera Kraftfutter wird beim Lagerhaus gekauft und zum Silo bei den Ställen gebracht. Danach könnt ihr es mit beiliegendem Triolet aus dem Silo entnehmen und im Stall verfüttern, entweder direkt oder vorher zu Gras umwandeln. Die Rinder und Schweine können an den Verladerampen bei den Ställen in den beiliegenden Viehtransporter verladen und zum Schlachthof gefahren werden. Anschliessend kann das Fleisch mit dem Kühl LKW bei Lidl oder McDonalds wieder verkauft werden. Version mit großer BioGas Anlage, mit 3 Silos und großem Silageberg. Das angelieferte Material kann entweder siliert oder auch direkt verkauft werden.Ein Verkaufstrigger für Mist und Gülle ist ebenfalls in der BGA vorhanden. Verkaufstellen: Cimbria Heid Saattrocknung, Lagerhaus, Rübenfabrik, Müllermilch, BioGas, Lidl und McDonalds Als Zwischenlager gibt es einen großen Haupthof mit anliegender Milchviehwirtschaft. Die map hat 17 groß angelegte Felder, das original Straßensystem mit funktionierenden Ampeln und einigen STVO. Beim Kuhstall ist ein Silo mit Heady´s BGA Silo verbaut, wo ihr das silierte Material entnehmen könnt und an eure Kühe verfüttern müsst. Alle Abladestellen sind mit Flutlichtern zum nächtlichen arbeiten und Waagen vom EIFOK Team ausgestattet.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 British Beef Farm HD mod download.
After hours of work, finally I am proud to present British Beef Farm HD. This is my high definition overhaul of my previous map British Beef Farm. Not only it looks much better,but also runs smoother.
This is medium size map with both arable and silage fields, highly detailed village and ability to sell cows and sheep.
* Standard fruits + sugarbeet (sugarbeet mod compatible) potato (potato mod compatible) * Cow zone with cowshed manure (needs to be taken out by multiplane shovel) * manure mod * weed mod * ability to transport and sell cows and sheep * high definition ground and grass textures * adjusted growth times * realistic prices * grain shed that can be emptied by shovel (including fertilizer) * multisilo * BGA silo that accepts grass and chaff * cow feeding with planes * detailed terrain
Hello everyone this farm has a nice community I put in a hospital, school, public pool,two shoping centers new houses and a hunting and fishing lodge by the lake for us old guys Ive got four different kinds of roads on this map nice smooth paved, asphalt,and gravel,and some plain old dirt roads this is not a flat map it has hills and valleys so you better like to farm hills you have 3 places to sell your grain the office by the grain bens the old grits mill by the lake and the brewery you have cows and the milk truck runs twice a day you have seeds gas fertilzer and two places to sell your bales you can run traffic or turn it off I been running two traffic packs and no lag on an old emachine this is not a high detailed map I just dont have the paticence to do that kind of stuff but its something new to play for a day or two thats bout it hope you all enjoy Edd.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Gross Kern Land mod download.
Willkommen in Gross Kernland Feedlot. Geeandert von BernieSCS Hier gibt es mittelgrosse bis grosse Felder und die Umrandungen sind fuer den Abfahrhelfer gut geeignet.
Natuerlich sind auch die Kuehe dabei, welche ihre Weide direkt neben dem grossen, zentralen Hof haben. Uebrigens koennen bis zu 500 Tiere gehalten werden.
Neben den Standardfruechten Weizen, Gerste, Raps und Mais gibt es auch Roggen, Hafer, Sonnenblume und Kartoffeln.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Pure Farming mod download.
Pure Farming is a map ive made to suit my lower end laptop.
I run this map on a Acer Aspire Laptop, Intel Core I3, Intel HD Graphics Card, 4GB Ram, I can run this fine no lag.
The Map is small farm based withing cowzone, sell your own milk, baleshredder, 2 sellpoints, also able to sell grass.
There is not much in the way of buildings, it was made to suit me and i like just farming, using hired help, so this map is suited to that sort of player.
Within the Zip i have included some mods you will need to play the map, such as a milk trailer, the milk mod, FMCmaptrigger etc.
The map is made by me, the mod pack is a collection of mods made by others for use withing the game.
Extract the zip, map goes in mod folder, extract the other zip all those mods go in mod folder.