Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 British Beef Farm mod download
British Beef Farm offers plenty of fields where you can grow standard fruits plus sugarbeet(SugarbeetMod compatible) and potatoes. Down in the valley you`ll also find pastures for cows and sheep. You can transport and sell them in local livestock market. Map futures weeds in fields, manure mod, cowshed manure. Fruit prices are set for maximum realism. The yard is big and features BGA Silo to store your silage and grain shed with multisilo or ability to load fruits using multiplane shovel.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Open Range v 2 map multifruit mit BGA mod download
Fruchtsorten: Baumwolle, Zwiebeln, Zuckerrüben, Kartoffeln, Hafer, Sonnenblumen, Mohn, Reis und die Standards.
Updates: Tankanlage hinzugefügt, teilweise neue Frucht und Geländetexturen, einige Dekoelemente hinzugefügt, Terrain angepasst , Trigger überarbeitet und diverse Fehler der Vorgängerversion behoben
Version mit großer BioGas Anlage, mit 3 Silos und großem Silageberg. Das angelieferte Material kann entweder siliert oder auch direkt verkauft werden.Ein Verkaufstrigger für Mist und Gülle ist ebenfalls in der BGA vorhanden.
Great map for small-medium vehicles and equipment. Consists of small-large fields with dirt tracks throughout.
This map is to be played realistically, so there is no drive through headges etc, so sticking to the roads is essential.
FACEBOOK FEATURE: We are trying to get in with the community these days and by doing so we have introduced the facebook feature as a feedback+Invitation system. The signs are in the map.