Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Johnson County Map mod download
Hello every one well here I am back with another one of those Tennessee style maps. But this ones a little different Iam pretty sure theres 51 fields on this one small, med, large, you have the orignal fruits and orignal tractors and eq, the pda shows only one sell point but there are four working sell points the milk truck runs twice a day but he does not stop at the orignal place by the barn the FDA said the tank was to close to the manure pit so I had to move it down the lane a little bit I dont like to drive a lot so theres plenty of places to sell your bales and feed your cows you have a grainry so you can sell or store your grain and a place to buy your tractors and I put all the tired farmers a nice swimming hole or fishing and baseball field and basketball golds to you can run traffic on this map or turn it off I like those new traffic packs its nice seeing a school bus or UPS truck coming down the road now this is not a perfect map I dont make perfect maps I try to make maps for people to have fun on so if thats what your looking for then dont download this one well thats about it hope you all enjoy this farm as much as I have making it Thanks a bunch Edd.
Giants and Giants editor for making this possiable Mc Donalds unknown Landhandel sell point unknown American signs Virikas Giants blender Adobe Google Hermit23 General Barn Docoz John Deere Dealership made by Troll711 credits to John Deere and Reskined Houses Giants and Arig3 Chevron Gas Station Troll711 Chevron Gas Sniper214 for lights Old Farm House Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahru If I have left anyone out please let me know and A big thanks to FarmerYip for those videos.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Farming Fun Map mod download
Includes: Lizard Racing Combines, Demolition Race Cars (courtesy of Demolition Company Game), Blade for tractor football (courtesy of Ski Region Simulator)
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Von der Sonne verwöhnt mod download
Es eine idyllische Landschaft wartet darauf endeckt und bewirtschaftet zu werden. Hier können neben den Standardfrüchten noch Sonnenblumen, Kartoffeln, Zuckerrüben und Karotten angebaut werden. Es gibt große, mittlere und kleine Felder die zum Teil schon bepflanzt sind. Andere sind vorgepflügt bzw. vorgegrubbert. Ein Hof im Fachwerkstil gehalten aber dennoch modern ausgestattet wartet aus Sie. Verkaufsstellen sind Mühle, ein Gartencenter an dem man Mist und Gülle in Bares Geld umwandeln kann, ein Billinger, ein Landhandel, Zuckerfabrik und eine Brauerei. Eine BGA mit Ballenkraftwerk ist ebenso vorhanden.