Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Blackhead Farm mod download
Blackhead Farm V2 Muck, Slurry, Seed, and Fertiliser triggers are at the main farm. Slurry is in the hole in the ground and dung in the heap. You have to buy a sufficient amount of cows to get some dung. Rough muck can then be taken to the pile out in the field for a later date. You can also tip it anywhere you want really using Alternative Tipping.
Map01.i3d size = 18.7MB Total File size = 64.9MB No. Farms = 1 (+ 1 Outfarm) Detailing = Medium
Features Bale Mod Manure Handling Left driving traffic Pedestrians Paintable Trees Weeds Mod Default Vehicles
Just to let you know, if you buy cows then they will be in the fields outside the main farm. When building the map I did not think about that, sorry, I'll change it around one day.