Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Sherwell Field Bin mod download.
Well finally with a lot of work and help from the guys in FMC the field bin is ready. It has a field mode and a transport mode , in field mode if you try and drive off you will get a warning message as this is not a trailer. You can open both of the top doors even if you are not hooked up to a tractor , you need to connect the pto shaft from out side of the tractor if you wish to unload it. This mod you take to you field or fields and position them for the combines and chaser bins to run to and for trucks to fill from. The field bin will take sorghum , peas , wheat , barley , rape , maize , soybeans , oats and sunflower. controls for the field bin are: Q to attach and de attach pto V to go to transport or field position X and O to open top doors once you are in the tractor and have it running you press B to unload. This mod is also multi player tested and works We hope you enjoy this Australian creation from the FMC mod team
ok here it is, the second version of Banjo Farm.. this is a high def version, will not be releasing a low def this time. the map I3D is a little smaller, an it runs a lot smoother now. every building was either redone or replaced.
it has the basic crops plus taters an cotton. taters an cotton are sold at Willies, as are bales, you cannot sale bales at the farms in ver2. all other crops are sold up on the hill at Deliverance Grain Mills..
there is a brand new farm in version 2, all building other than the silos an loading dock are from AEM modding
the original 2 farms are still there an the dairy farm has a moving manure plane in the barn, but you will need a smaller tractor to clean out the stalls, all stalls work..
AEM for the buildings i added to the map.
FMC for the MultiFruitLayer Installer, sure makes it faster to put trees on the map
FMC for the Parsnip, makes it easy to change things around.
triggers by Cadaver (uk) thank these sure make it easy for somebody like me to make a map.
bale destroyer trigger i forgot where i got it, but thanks.
Bociek & the PolishMods team pretty sure i used some of there textures.
GhillieSniper for the HD Terrain textures V2
Burner for the weed mod
New Plowing Texture by Melfoy
seeding texture an culivator texture by melfoy, BUt the seeding an culivator may be by DadO
Slopoke for help in figureing out the crop growth times.. thanks alot i had them really way out
T-23 Cattle Barns. Credits. Models made by. Tommy23 (LSUK Forum) did not use the barns they are great but just used the working manure plane out of them.