Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 MapFruitChangeTrigger v 1 mod download.
Features: - Frucht abkippen (am InputTrigger) - Frucht wird konvertiert in eine andere Frucht (natürlich einstellbar) - Möglicher Preis je konvertierte Einheit einstellbar - Konvertierungstempo einstellbar - Massenverlust/Gewinn beim Konvertieren einstellbar - Ballenannahme am InputTrigger - Frucht wird wieder in Anhänger beladen (am OutputTrigger) - Beliebig viele OutputTrigger für jeden InputTrigger - HUD, an dem man die Füllstände abrufen kann - Mögliche Ausgabe von 3D Objekten (z.B. Paletten, Fässer) - Planes am Input- und Outputtrigger - Abladen beim Fahren möglich (einstellbar) - MP ready
Tipp: das HUD des MapFruitChangeTriggers kann man mit [strg]+[alt]+[M] öffnen
Welcome to Springhill Farm. This is a small estate farm with tight twisting lanes and small awkward fields. You must make the decision between larger machinery for greater productivity or smaller machinery for easier manoeuvrability.
There is one main farmyard on the map, with a small out farm to the south. However, do you have the nerve to 'keep her lit' down the narrow roads without wrapping it round the nearest tree? We suggest you have the recovery service number on speed dial....
The map supports standard fruits plus sugarbeet and potatoes.
Welcome to Springhill Farm. This is a small estate farm with tight twisting lanes and small awkward fields. You must make the decision between larger machinery for greater productivity or smaller machinery for easier manoeuvrability.
There is one main farmyard on the map, with a small out farm to the south. However, do you have the nerve to 'keep her lit' down the narrow roads without wrapping it round the nearest tree? We suggest you have the recovery service number on speed dial....
The map supports standard fruits plus sugarbeet and potatoes.