Description: This is a JCB 3CX square cab model based on a late 80′s/early 90′s machine.
V1.0 Features: - Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers - Key controlled back actor - Opening left door - Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) - Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision - Working stabiliser jacks - Not multiplayer compatible (it would require additions to the scripts to make it MP compatible, I have no plans to make it MP compatible as I don’t use it but anyone else is welcome to try) - 3 skins (see textures folder for the 3 skins folders and modify i3d file to point to the one you want) - Engine note drops and exhaust emits more smoke when hydraulics are activated (configurable in JCB_3CX_4WD.xml) - Full hydraulics animation - Beacon and worklights - Manual ignition, variable speed and engine rpm - Basic buckets for v1.0, Others are working on some attachements and it also works well with all existing buckets in the game. More buckets available for V2. - Full help info in standard HUD text box. You can toggle the text on/off to save screen space while HUD is active - No errors generated in the log file Credits: Snapper
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2011 Farming Simulator 2011 Major LGP 1600 mod download
Description: This is the Smaller Slurry tanker, it is a reskin of Solanz's St1600N Credits: Model: Solanz Texture: Solanz script: Giants Ingame: Solanz